♥ eQa | RosLan ♥

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


i miss the happy old days. i miss the days without problems. i miss the friends and the crazy things we did. i miss the hysterically laugh. i just miss them.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

life after completed degree

the life after study?
none. ~.~

looking for a job?
not started yet, i've been busy laying down on the coach watching tv, sometimes walking around the mall 'wash-eye' :)))

how I feel?

what's the plan?
na-ah. still no plans, but lots of daydreamingssss..

but, I do hope I can have a nice job with nice pay with nice working hours. heehoo

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

the year(s)

my 2014 ended up well.
i went through so many things in that year.
i experienced too many things.
i learned a lot from my surrounding.

and 2015.
i hope to experience, to learn a lot more things.
life is all about learning and experiencing new things, kan?
so, im hoping to learn and experience many other things.
and ouhh. i am going to finish my degree in few days.
this coming Friday, it's my last day of exam.
& insyaAllah, i hope i can pass with flying colors. aminnn..
and insyaAllah, i am a degree holder in BA. English Linguistic.
and insyaAllah too, pursuing my master.

till then, i hope everyone will success in everything you do. :-)

the wishlist(s)

hello 2015!

owkeh.. my wish-list(s). *terusssss.. xde intro langsung. pedulik!

  1. master holder
  2. a car
  3. a successful business
  4. a house
  5. kawen *ngehngehngeh
  6. to make both mak & ayah happy sampai biler2.
pray for me. ^_^

Thursday, November 13, 2014

is it hard for someone to really know us?
to really know what we want?
even when we have told them so many times about what we want?
is it hard for them to remember it?